General Plating Tips:
- Height. Build upwards. Also helps to have a focal point (e.g. your protein). Everything works towards showcasing this. So if you have a filet mignon, for example, you could place it on top of your starch, or lean it against it.
- Contrasting color. Herbs are great for this, but also consider it in the recipe stage. Choose veggies that don’t just taste good with your main, but provide a nice bit of color as well.
- Odd numbers look better than even numbers. 3 or 5 of something is nicer than 4.
- Use tools; ring molds are pretty basic, cheap, and a good way of plating neatly. Squeeze bottles (like the ones for ketchup) are also a less error-prone way of drizzling sauce, vs. using a spoon, which might cause messy drippings in places you don’t want them.
- Use the right plate for the job. Serving soup or pasta? Use something deep like a soup bowl. A full meal with protein starch and veg? A round plate or square plate is pretty standard. Can’t go wrong with white, but other plain colors (for example, dark blue, with a combination of lighter colors — chicken with salsa on it and then rice, for example) might work. Experiment. Other shapes are cool too, like rectangles for appetizers and sushi.